Chef Matthew Is glad to be back online. We has upgraded our web site and hope to bring you lots more in the new year.
Some new features are over 2400 new Recipes Over 10,000 in all, a New Restaurant section, a New Food Shopping section, and New How To Videos.
About Chef Matthew
ChefMatthew.Com is a place where your input is not only needed but its why we are here. So PLEASE register today.
(We will Never use or sell your information for any reason or at any time we hate spam just like you )
After your register you will receive a E-mail to activate your account.
Than you can fill out your profile or not. You can than submit Articles, Recipes, Restaurant Reviews, Food Store Finds or what ever you want.
A small group of people who love food and plan day trips around food and fun.
Like out trip to Chinatown, Little Italy and our Trip to Bucks Co. PA. Winery.
Chef Matthews love of food came early in life. His father was classically trained at New York Restaurant and Hotel management School but never worked in the food service field.
Chef Matt’s Mother always had a quest for knowage abut new foods, new triends, new tastes and her love of Juia Child.